Brixton Wine Club wine subscription service

Welcome to your new favourite wine club.

Join Brixton Wine Club and start discovering the best-tasting, highest-quality wines, in cans.

We offer a monthly wine subscription service, one-off wine-tasting kits and stock over 100 different cans in our online wine shop.

That’s right. With Brixton Wine Club, we’re all about canned wine.

Award-winning wine, anytime, anywhere.

Perfect in the bath, at the beach, in the shower, in an attic, on a beanbag, on a horse, on a beanbag on a horse*. You get the gist.

*Please, don’t actually try this.

This is seriously good wine made specifically to be canned.

Don’t just take our word for it.

  • If you’re a wine novice who finds snobby oenophile culture off-putting, Brixton Wine Club is for you.


  • Brixton Wine Club offers an affordable, fun way to try new wines without committing to whole bottles.

    Olive Magazine

  • The vibe is down-to-earth, approachable and free from intimidating wine jargon.

    Expert Reviews

  • They describe the vibe as “no spittoons, no pinky fingers in the air” and just having fun with it, swirling, sniffing and glugging as they go.


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